Total Reads |
- |
Total number of reads. |
- |
Total sgRNAs |
- |
Total number of sgRNAs. |
- |
Mapped Reads |
Total number of reads mapped to the sgRNA library |
>= 100*#sgRNA (TotalsgRNAs) |
Percentage |
Percentage of mapped reads to the total number of sequencing reads |
>= 65% |
Zerocounts |
Number of sgRNAs with zero read counts |
<= 1% #0/#sgRNA (Zerocounts / TotalsgRNAs) |
GiniIndex |
Gini index of log-scaled read count distributions |
<= 0.2 for plasmid and initial state samples
<= 0.3 for negative selection samples |
NegSelQC |
Enrichment score from GSEA |
>= 0.68 (an empirical value letting 2/3 of samples pass) |
NegSelQCPval |
P-value of NegSelQC |
<= 1e-9 (an empirical value letting 2/3 of samples pass) |
Over Selected |
- |
This sample is strongly positively selected |
GiniIndex > 0.8 |